За энэ ёстой дажгүй кино гэсэн. 2003 онд хийгдсэн. Хараахан үзэж амжаагүй байна. Залуухан даруухан гей Мормон залуу болох Аарон болон түүний хөрш шоучин залуу Кристиан хоёрын хайр сэтгэлийн тухай гардаг. Аарон болон өөр гурван өөр Мормон залуучууд Кристианы шинэ хөрш болон нүүж ирдэг. Кристианы найзууд түүнийг тэр хэдэн Мормон залуучуудын аль нэгнийг өвөртөө оруулж чадах эсэх дээр 50 доллараар мөрийцдөг.
Director - C. Jay Cox
Elder Aaron Davis-ийн дүрд Steve Sandvoss
Christian Markelli-ийн дүрд Wes Ramsey
Latter Days is a 2003 American romantic drama about a gay relationship between a closeted Mormon missionary and his openly gay neighborn. Aaron Davis and Christian Markelli are the two most opposite people in the world. Aaron is a young Elder (or a Mormon missionary) who wants to do his family proud and is quite passionate about his religion and film. Christian is a shallow WeHo waiter/party boy who only looks forward to bedding a new guy every night. After Aaron and three other missionaries move into the apartment across from Christian, his friends bet him $50 that he can't get one of them to jump into the sack, so he instantly latches onto Aaron. There are two problems, though - Christian is falling in love with Aaron and the Mormons are not the biggest fans of the homosexual community. Once Aaron is discovered, the two have to go through trials of regret, loss, perseverance, and forgiveness if they both want to get to the thing that matters to them most: each other.
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9 years ago
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